Oh! This one too...
Well, as of today (July 13, 2012) I am no longer able to eat these delicious desserts. That is right! I am giving them up. Guess who talked me into doing this? Trent! How awful, right? For some reason he thinks it will help us stay healthy. We will see. I have decided that I am only going to give this up for forty days. Kind of like a late lent gig. Whenever I have given something up for an extended period of time, my body has become uninterested in that food.
I don't think that will happen to me with my delicious desserts, but it will be nice to eat less sweets. I hope all goes well and I do not have a sugar withdrawal. I decided that I was NOT going to give up my chocolate milk because, come on, there is only like one teaspoon of chocolate syrup in that cup of milk! Oh, and not giving up my chai teas. I would not be able to function. That is my coffee!
So goodbye delicious chocolate that always was there for me when I was feeling down. Goodbye cookie dough. I will miss you the most.
Wish us luck!
I've eaten ice cream like every night this week :/
Good luck! I would not last.
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